Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars - Imperialism in China

The Opium war was from 1839  to 1842, it was between Britain and  china. it all started when  Europe wanted to trade with different countries. So when  Great Britain went to India they found this plant well this drug. so then they went to china and since china didn't wanna trade with them. Britain  though  if we get them addicted to the drug then  they gonna want ti all the time and they would agree trading with us. That actually worked but then the Chinese government notice what they were doing  so he prohibited selling opium or using it. so then Britain got mad but they kept trying so they went to war with china and took over Hon Kong  and that's how China and USA ,etc   they trade with china now. It also helped  china getting out there to learn from  other and new things. And  not only that's one of the reason why china is so advance with technology now . This war was called the Opium war  because  the opium plant  was what stared the Chinese and Britain to fight since Britain wanted to trade so bad with china  , but china didn't. But at the end  Great  Britain  won  because they had china addicted to the opium and they convinced china. Also they had  better technology and weapons.The British  had firepower . and they took control of the important island of Hong Kong. And  China was also forced to legalize the selling of opium.

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