Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution was all about political problems and government . The Russian revolution was divide into 2 part the February revolution and the October Revolution. The February revolution  was during 1917  and  was about the  collapse of czar Nicholas 2 . October Revolution was about the Bolshevik  party, led by  Vladimir Lenin, and the workers'  soviets, overthrew the Provisional Government in Petrograd. The Russian  had a revolution because they were tired of the way their government  treated them. The major cause of the Revolution was Because czar   made Russian get into WWI  and alto of soldier were lost because russia didn't have enough equipment.The Revolution was all about  fighting for their right to be treated better  and to change their government. Lenin was the leader or the revolution 
he made the Bolsheviks party he took control. The quote "Peace, land and bread" mean what everyone in russia  wanted the reason why russia went on a revolution  they were miserable  so they got tired , they starved, they wanted food and peace. Lenin took his idea of communism from karl marx.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cause of WWI

The cause of  world war I was  the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Habsburg throne, on June 28, 1914. That's when everything started. Then people started to get alliances just in case they needed back up. United states was the last one to get involved . Because USA dint want to get no enemies  or get in to  danger .
The primary causes of the war was Nationalism, Militarism, Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and the collapse of the alliance system. Nationalism happened with Germany and Italy . Italy didn't wanna be  cool with Germany they didn't want to be become one  because they felt different they were loyal to their country they didn't want to change things. assassination of Frankz Ferdinand contributed to the cause of this war    by  Austrian people  wanting to  punish  Serbia  for killing their leader so  Austria joined  alliance with Germany to do whatever  to Serbia. Also Militarism  was a way to countries used to solve problem and the bigger the military the more powerful you are and the more money. also this game more jobs to people it increased jobs .